Saturday 12 September 2009

My Mission...

Well, it's just an intention really: to teach Portuguese through this blog.

See, my native language is Portuguese and, interestingly enough, I have met people who have an interest in learning Portuguese. These people share that interests for different reasons:
- Some of them want to conquer a share of the Portuguese speaking market. I personally believe that is a bold move as Brazil has been rising as a regional power in South America with an internal market of more than 190 million people.
- A general interest for Brazil - some people like Capoeira, others like açaí, others crave for a holiday away from home in that promised land of tourists. The word "Brazil" rings a nice bell.
- The passion for languages - many have a drive to learn new languages continuously, or at least notions of languages for different purposes which generally result in what we usually call general culture.

No matter what brings you here, make yourself comfortable and feel free to bring your friends.